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Taylored Training Graduates


Graduates are listed below by year. We are currently only displaying the 3 most recent years' graduates, so older names may be cycled out with each new graduating class.


Repeat names : We promise this isn't a mistake!

This means we had more than one pup with the same name!

Graduates from 2021-2023: 317

Graduates of 2021: Abbi - Abel - Adelaide - Alex - Alpha - Amber - Angel - Annabeth - Anne - April - Archie - Ares - Arrow - Aspen - Athena - Ava - Axle - Bailey - Bear - Bear - Bella - Blaze - Boss - Bowie - Brick - Brooke - Bubbles - Buttons - Cain - Calypso - Candie - Candy - Chandler - Chase - Chewy - Chrissy - Cinnamon - Coco - Cody - Copper - Cosmo - Cujo - Dante - Diesel - Drax - Ellie - Elliot - Ember - Eva - Ewok - Faith - Finn - Finnegan - Fiona - Fish - Fletcher - Forrest - Foxy - Freddie - Gabby - Ghost - Gidget - Gizmo - Goldie - Griffin - Gucci - Gunner - Gus - Harlee - Harley - Harper - Hendrix - Hera - Honey - Honey - Hunter - Hyde - Isis - Ivy - Izzy - Jack - Jacques - Jake - Jeckyll - Jesse - Jessie - Juliette - Kahlua - Kaida - King - Laika - Larry - Leo - Lexie - Lincoln - Louie - Maverick - Max - Moose - Nacho - Nico - Odin - Orion - Osiris - Papa - Peanut - Percy - Pickle - Prince - Quill - Rebel - Rebel - Roscoe - Rosie - Roxy - Rudy - Rufus - Sadie - Sammy - Sandy - Scout - Shadow - Simon - Sirius - Sissy - Spike - Squirt - Stanley - Teddy - Tito - Toto - Tucker - Tyson - Vincent - Waffle - Walker - Willie - Winnie - Winston - Woody

Graduates of 2022: Abby - Alex - Alexis - Alfonso - Alfred - Alpha - Angel - Angel - Annie - Apollo - Ash - Athena - Autumn - Ava - Bandito - Bear - Benny - Billie - Bingo - Biscuit - Blake - Boots - Brodie - Camryn - Carl - Carly - Casey - Chanel - Charlie - Chase - Cheeto - Cherry - Claire - Coco - Cujo - Dory - Doug - Drax - Duke - Echo - Ellie - Elliot - Ember - Ember - Everest - Evie - Ezra - Faith - Finn - Forrest - Freddie - Freya - Frito - Gabe - Gatsby - Ghost - Goldie - Griffin - Hailey - Hank - Harlee - Harley - Harper - Honey - Hunter - Indiana - Isis - Izzy - Jake - Jane - Jarvis - Jasper - Jessie - Jethro - Jojo - Josie - Kasier - Kenda - King - Lady - Lance - Leia - Leo - Lilly - Lincoln - Lucas - Lucky - Marky-Mark - Marty - Maverick - Max - Melon - Moose - Nico - Odin - Osiris - Papa - Peanut - Prada - Prince - Queenie - Raven - Rebel - Remington - Rocket - Rocky - Roxy - Rudie - Ruger - Sadie - Sam - Scout - Scout - Shadow - Shiloh - Sissy - Socks - Stan - Taco - Teddy - Thor - Tito - Trigger - Twisty - Tyson - Vinnie - Waffle - Wayne - Wille - Winnie - Wyatt - Yukon - Zeke

Graduates of 2023: Alpha - Angel - Apollo - Archer - Ares - Bailey - Baylee - Ben - Biggie - Biscuit - Bishop - Blake - Blakely - Boss - Carl - Chandler - Chief - Chloe - Cobalt - Cy - Dante - Diego - Duke - Eevee - Ember - Falcon - Fendi - Finn - Freddie - Ghost - Goldie - Indi - Jack - Jada - Kaiser - Larry - Leia - Max - Nala - Shadow - Sissy - Sylvia - Teddy - Tupac

Click here for details about the above graduate's courses!
This page covers topics such as owner's initial concerns, the pet's age, prior training, and how long we worked with them!

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