Taylored Training Graduates

Graduates are listed below by year. We are currently only displaying the 3 most recent years' graduates, so older names may be cycled out with each new graduating class.
Repeat names : We promise this isn't a mistake!
This means we had more than one pup with the same name!
Graduates from 2021-2023: 317
Graduates of 2021: Abbi - Abel - Adelaide - Alex - Alpha - Amber - Angel - Annabeth - Anne - April - Archie - Ares - Arrow - Aspen - Athena - Ava - Axle - Bailey - Bear - Bear - Bella - Blaze - Boss - Bowie - Brick - Brooke - Bubbles - Buttons - Cain - Calypso - Candie - Candy - Chandler - Chase - Chewy - Chrissy - Cinnamon - Coco - Cody - Copper - Cosmo - Cujo - Dante - Diesel - Drax - Ellie - Elliot - Ember - Eva - Ewok - Faith - Finn - Finnegan - Fiona - Fish - Fletcher - Forrest - Foxy - Freddie - Gabby - Ghost - Gidget - Gizmo - Goldie - Griffin - Gucci - Gunner - Gus - Harlee - Harley - Harper - Hendrix - Hera - Honey - Honey - Hunter - Hyde - Isis - Ivy - Izzy - Jack - Jacques - Jake - Jeckyll - Jesse - Jessie - Juliette - Kahlua - Kaida - King - Laika - Larry - Leo - Lexie - Lincoln - Louie - Maverick - Max - Moose - Nacho - Nico - Odin - Orion - Osiris - Papa - Peanut - Percy - Pickle - Prince - Quill - Rebel - Rebel - Roscoe - Rosie - Roxy - Rudy - Rufus - Sadie - Sammy - Sandy - Scout - Shadow - Simon - Sirius - Sissy - Spike - Squirt - Stanley - Teddy - Tito - Toto - Tucker - Tyson - Vincent - Waffle - Walker - Willie - Winnie - Winston - Woody
Graduates of 2022: Abby - Alex - Alexis - Alfonso - Alfred - Alpha - Angel - Angel - Annie - Apollo - Ash - Athena - Autumn - Ava - Bandito - Bear - Benny - Billie - Bingo - Biscuit - Blake - Boots - Brodie - Camryn - Carl - Carly - Casey - Chanel - Charlie - Chase - Cheeto - Cherry - Claire - Coco - Cujo - Dory - Doug - Drax - Duke - Echo - Ellie - Elliot - Ember - Ember - Everest - Evie - Ezra - Faith - Finn - Forrest - Freddie - Freya - Frito - Gabe - Gatsby - Ghost - Goldie - Griffin - Hailey - Hank - Harlee - Harley - Harper - Honey - Hunter - Indiana - Isis - Izzy - Jake - Jane - Jarvis - Jasper - Jessie - Jethro - Jojo - Josie - Kasier - Kenda - King - Lady - Lance - Leia - Leo - Lilly - Lincoln - Lucas - Lucky - Marky-Mark - Marty - Maverick - Max - Melon - Moose - Nico - Odin - Osiris - Papa - Peanut - Prada - Prince - Queenie - Raven - Rebel - Remington - Rocket - Rocky - Roxy - Rudie - Ruger - Sadie - Sam - Scout - Scout - Shadow - Shiloh - Sissy - Socks - Stan - Taco - Teddy - Thor - Tito - Trigger - Twisty - Tyson - Vinnie - Waffle - Wayne - Wille - Winnie - Wyatt - Yukon - Zeke
Graduates of 2023: Alpha - Angel - Apollo - Archer - Ares - Bailey - Baylee - Ben - Biggie - Biscuit - Bishop - Blake - Blakely - Boss - Carl - Chandler - Chief - Chloe - Cobalt - Cy - Dante - Diego - Duke - Eevee - Ember - Falcon - Fendi - Finn - Freddie - Ghost - Goldie - Indi - Jack - Jada - Kaiser - Larry - Leia - Max - Nala - Shadow - Sissy - Sylvia - Teddy - Tupac